Reactions to the New International Development Policy for Australia

This week, DFAT launched the New International Development Policy (along with performance framework and the Development Finance Review) to much fanfare.

InDev has sought to capture the reaction from the sector, and collate the key responses, analysis and commentary available.

On the InDev LinkedIn page, a Snap Poll showed the response to be positive, with 43% of respondents agreeing with ‘Not bad, but Not Great’ and 36% with ‘Exceeded Expectations’.

Results of InDev LinkedIn Poll (n=14, conducted on the 8th=9th of August)

The peak bodies have each released analysis of their reactions, with the ACFID response being very thorough:



The various thinktanks and academic groups have also added their thoughts (including some written by ACFID):


Contractors and Consultants:


Politics and Others:

We will continue to add to this list as responses become public. If you see one we have missed, please email us at [email protected]

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