InDev Weekly – Survey results

A few weeks ago we conducted a survey of the InDev Audience.

Firstly, we want to say a massive thank you to everyone who submitted, these insights help us immensely in developing and evolving InDev.

As a part of our commitment to working out loud, and sharing knowledge, we have included some of the results from the survey below.

If you missed out on adding your thoughts, the survey is still live, feel free to jump in at any time – InDev Weekly Survey

Our community comes from a broad range of sectors within Development:

Responses to ‘What area do you work in?’

A snapshot of what is happening in the region and sector was the top reason people subscribed.

Responses to ‘To you, what is the most important/useful aspect of InDev weekly?’

The Pacific and Australia/NZ dominated interest, with SE Asia a close third.

Percentage of respondents who selected an option when asked ‘What regions are you interested in?’

Development Sector News, Sharing local stories, and Interviews were the key interests

Responses to ‘What topics interest you?’

Project and Consulting roles were of most interest

Responses to ‘Which types of roles are you most interested in?’

Fostering engagement and discussion seems to be a key area of interest. With the top responses on future activities for InDev focusing on discussions, events and avenues for sharing.

Responses to ‘Would any of the below activities be of value to you?’

So, what does all this mean?

Thanks to your inputs we have a better picture of the community developing around InDev, and are seeking to build this project to best suit it. One of the key projects currently is the website, which is being developed (yes, we are very aware it needs some more design touches!). The website will aim to provide space for original content, submissions, etc. and job postings.

Moving forward, the goal is to turn InDev into a valuable service to the growing Development sector in this region. Building from the insights form the survey, we have developed (or plan to) key building blocks for the project:

Our values: Succinct Delivery, Local Focus, and Impactful Curation.

Our offerings: News summaries, Opportunities for collaboration, Local Voices and Collated career opportunities.

Thank you everyone for being on this journey with us. We are so excited to be working on this and supporting the incredible work across the Indo-Pacific.

If you’d like to discuss any aspect of the survey, discuss partnerships, or just chat, you can reach out to [email protected]