Launching the New Zealand Development Ecosystem Map

Along with our good friends at Council for International Development Aotearoa New Zealand, we are so excited to launch this map, and showcase the incredible breadth of organisations working in the development sector.

Looking for a new partner for a project? Check out the Map!
Working somewhere new and want to chat with others? Check out the Map!
Looking for consultancy or design support but not sure where to start? Check out the Map!

Today we are so excited to officially share the map: NZ Development Ecosystem Map

The InDev New Zealand Development Ecosystem Map

Whats next?

We hope to share an update each year in order to start tracking the changing faces within Global Development. This exercise will help show how the sector evolves, through new players, mergers and closures over time.

We know there are more organisations that didn’t submit their details, so the submission form is still open. Head to the Ecosystem map page to access the link and add your details.

But for now, thank you to everyone who contributed to the development of this map, organisations who submitted online, those who helped review and advise us, and those who gave generously of their time in sense checking it all!

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