Business for Development becomes part of Palladium

Palladium, a global impact consulting firm and one of the largest managing contractors in the Australian Aid Program, has announced the integration of Business for Development (B4D), an Australian non-profit organization. The integration of B4D’s projects, clients, and team members into Palladium’s operations took effect on June 12, 2023.

Founded in 2007, B4D initially aimed to encourage Australian businesses to support the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals. Over the years, B4D has expanded its scope beyond advocacy to include feasibility studies, program implementation and scaling, and research initiatives. Its current project portfolio spans Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Kenya, focusing on enhancing farmer livelihoods, resilience, financial independence, partnership ecosystems, and program scalability.

Palladium CEO Christopher Hirst expressed his excitement about the merger, emphasizing the alignment between Palladium and B4D’s commitment to inclusive growth and the importance of partnerships in achieving sustainable development outcomes. This collaboration presents a unique opportunity for diversifying work in new sectors, expanding client reach, and leveraging a wider range of knowledge, skills, and expertise.

Karen James, CEO of B4D, echoed Hirst’s sentiments, describing the partnership as an exciting moment in the organization’s history. Having carefully evaluated over 40 organizations, James believes that joining forces with Palladium will enable B4D to meet the growing needs of its clients and communities more effectively.

With programs addressing smallholder farmers’ support in Kenya and tackling food security and enterprise opportunities in Papua New Guinea, B4D’s work and clients will integrate into Palladium’s team dedicated to unlocking and scaling innovative nature-based solutions worldwide. Bernadette Howlett, Palladium Managing Director, affirmed the firm’s commitment to continuing and expanding B4D’s ongoing projects, aiming to reach more communities and create even greater impact.

Howlett emphasized the shared values and aspirations for impact between the two organizations. She also highlighted the potential for B4D’s research work to enhance Palladium’s understanding of inclusive growth across various communities and contexts. Leveraging B4D’s expertise in sustainable supply chains, economic growth, and agriculture, Palladium anticipates significant opportunities for larger-scale projects and initiatives.

The integration of B4D’s projects, clients, and team members into Palladium represents a strategic move for both organizations. By joining forces, they aim to leverage their respective strengths and expertise to drive sustainable development outcomes, expand their reach, and make a more significant impact on the communities they serve.