2024 InDev Leaders Series

We may already be reaching the end of February, but 2024 is shaping up to be a big year in global development. The calls for change seem to be growing, but what do the leaders on the ground think of the year ahead?

InDev is pleased to be launching a new series, the 2024 InDev Leaders Perspectives Series.

In this, we are asking a broad range of leaders 6 questions, across hopes for the year, technology, localisation, and more. The leaders come from NGO peak bodies, consultants, finance providers, innovators, and researchers.

Join us each week as we share the results of a small group of these leaders and showcase their thoughts and perspectives on the year ahead!

Our quesitons:

  • Reflections on 2023:
    Looking back at the previous year, what were the most significant developments or challenges in the global development sector?
  • Key Ideas for 2024:
    What will be the big ideas of 2024? What do you believe should be the primary focus areas for the global development sector in the coming year, and why are they crucial?
  • Technology, Innovation and Transformation
    AI, new Tech, Transformation, new Ideas, so much is changing. What trends do you see in terms of innovative thinking in the development sector in 2024? Do you see technology playing more (or less) of a role in development in 2024?
  • Localisation:
    How will the discussion move to action this year in localisation?
  • Personal Aspirations:
    On a personal level, what are your goals for 2024, and what role do you aim to play in achieving these goals?
  • Hope for 2024:
    What are you most excited for in 2024 in Global Development?

Why these questions? There were hundreds of different approaches and ideas we could have followed, but these 6 gave us the ebst mix of reflection, optimism (or concern) for the year ahead, and touched on what are likely some of the biggest threads impacting the sector this year. They also allow each respondant to focus on what matters to them. Our hope is to ask similar quesitons in 2025 and beyond, and see how thinking changes.

We will post the links to each group here (and they will be posted on InDev weekly, make sure you sign up!)